How to Prepare a Board Meeting Agenda

A board meeting agenda provides the basis for productive discussion and efficient decision-making. The best way to write an effective agenda for your board meeting is to adhere to an outline and structure, with the most important sections listed at the top of the list. The most frequently used agenda items for board meetings are a call to order as well as the approval of minutes of the last meeting, committee reports, old business and new business.

Check that your agenda for the board includes the supporting materials for each of the items listed. This ensures that all participants are aware of what is being discussed and allows them to review the information prior. Be sure to include time limits for each of the agenda items, to ensure that meetings don’t overrun and that valuable discussions aren’t rushed or ignored.

Designate someone to create the agenda for the board meeting and provide it to the other board members well before the meeting. This gives them time to review the documents for the board meeting and prepare their responses.

Start the meeting by calling the meeting to order, which allows the chair of the board to welcome attendees and provide a general update on the status of preparations for the meeting. Then, the board will approve of the minutes from the previous meeting and a discussion of the agenda’s changes that have been sent in by board members since it was circulated. Then, a section will be designated for strategic planning. If needed the need arises, a closed executive session will be held. The meeting is adjourned.