How to Implement Workflow Automation

Workflow automation utilizes software to connect systems in order to decrease manual tasks that can slow down businesses. The average office worker works approximately 13 hours a week handling emails. Automating this process will enable them to use those hours to focus on more important tasks like analyzing customer data or creating client presentations. The goal of workflow automation is to remove employees from monotonous and tedious tasks so they can concentrate on what matters most to the success of their company.

Begin by creating an inventory of all manual processes that your company uses. Zero in on those that could benefit from automation of workflow by identifying tasks with unclear instructions, complex processes or communication gaps. Do not automate an inefficient process immediately. Automation will only increase inefficiency if it lacks clear objectives. Consider rethinking the process for efficiency before you begin automating.

Examine the features and functions of a software for workflow automation to ensure that it meets your business requirements. Create your automated process by using the drag-and drop visual interface. Once you’ve built and tested your new procedure It is now time to release it to your employees and observe its performance.

Some tools for workflow automation can be used as standalone applications. Others are integrated with other software like CRM and project management systems. For instance, Jira Service Management (JSM) offers workflow automation for the ticketing process that allows desk professionals to automate repetitive actions like sending out new ticket notifications and assigning them to teams.