How to Hold a Successful Board Meeting Online

As a result of the influenza pandemic, more board meetings are held online. Remote work is likely to be a permanent change in the manner that board members will function. It is therefore crucial to ensure that your meetings are productive and engaging. This article will provide simple practices that you can use to improve your virtual meetings.

Establish clear goals for each agenda item. This will stop you from spending time on unnecessary discussions and make sure that all attendees are satisfied with their contributions. It’s also beneficial to clearly determine if a topic is meant to seek information, spark discussion, or arrive at the right decision to ensure that your group does not continue to discuss the same subject when it’s already been resolved.

It is important to have board members to test their Wi -Fi and audio/video equipment prior to the meeting to ensure that it can start without a hitch. It’s also a good practice to visit post about virtual data rooms as one of the most effective tools ask your attendees to turn off their phones when they aren’t speaking so as to minimize background noise and eliminate distractions.

Make it easy for your board members to access minutes of meetings after each meeting by posting them on your portal and sending a link through email. This will keep everyone on track and improve accountability between meetings. Boardable, a specific board management program, can help you organize every board document and keep them all in one place.